Text Box:  6th Airborne Division Plan on D-Day night



























(a)     Primary tasks:


(i)                   The capture of the bridges(intact if possible) at Bénouville and Ranville and the establishment of a bridgehead sufficiently deep to enable them to be held.

(ii)                  The destruction or neutralization of the coastal battery at Franceville Plage (later known as the Merville battery) by dawn minus 30 minutes, before the sea-borne assault craft come within its range.

(iii)                 The destruction of the bridges over the River Dives at Varaville, Robehomme, Bures and Troarn in order to impose the maximum delay on any enemy movements from the east.


(b)     Secondary tasks:


(i)                   Mop up and secure the area between the River Orne and Dives, north of the road Colombelle-Sannerville-Troarn. This was to include the capture of the towns of Sallenelles and Franceville Plage, and the clearing as much as possible of the coastal strip between these places and Cabourg, at the mouth of the River Dives.

(ii)                 Having secured a firm base east of the river Orne, to operate offensively against any reserve attempting to move towards the covering position from the east and south-east





3rd  Para Brigade Initial Plan














The tasks given to the 3rd Brigade Commander were:


(a)     To silence the Merville Battery and destroy its equipment one and a half hour before the first landing crafts were to touch down on beaches.

(b)     To demolish the bridges over the River Dives at Varaville, Robehomme, Bures (2) and Troarn

(c)      On completion of the above tasks, to deny the enemy the use of the roads leading into the Ranville bridgehead area from the east, by establishing the brigade on the high ground from North of Troarn toLe Plein







5th Para Brigade Initial Plan















The tasks given to the 5th Brigade Commander were:


(d)     By a coup de main with glider-borne troops to seize the crossings over the River Orne and the canal at Bénouville and Ranville.

(e)     To secure and hold the area Bénouville-Ranville-Le Bas de Ranville

(f)       To clear the landing zones north of Ranville of obstructions sufficiently to allow 68 gliders to land by two hours before daylight on ‘D’ day and 146 gliders to land by the evening of ‘D’ day.

The brigade was also responsible for the protection of the landing zone ‘N’


Text Box: